TIME PILOT/Konami [Centuri] [pcb schematic 11/01/82] vertical, 8-way joystick + fire button dipswitch 1 set: all off = 1 coin, 1 credit all on = free play various in between settings for various coin combinations dipswitch 2 set number of ships: switches 1 and 2 off/off = 3 on/off= 4 off/on = 5 on/on = 256 switch 3 off = cocktail table on = upright switch 3 off = cocktail table on = upright switch 4 bonus off = 10k + every 50k on = 20k + every 60k switch 5-6-7 difficulty off-off-off = 1 very easy on-off-off = 2 easy off-on-off = 3 on-on-off = 4 off-off-on = 5 on-off-on = 6 off-on-on = 7 difficult on-on-on = 8 very difficult switch 8 music in attract mode off=off on =on